Friday, January 23, 2009

Where are Our Babies?

Babies Pictures, Images and Photos

This week Barack Obama reversed the previous administration's abortion policy that bans giving our money to "family planning" groups overseas that provide abortions and counseling about abortions. His radical decision will directly result in many more deaths of unborn babies, not only in this country, but also in developing countries all over the world. For Obama, who is a stauch supporter of abortions and infanticide, this is just another move to fullfil his radical agenda. Obama had successfully delivered his promises to Planned Parenthood, NARAL Pro-Choice America, and other pro-abortion groups. For Obama, lives of unborn children, disabled, sick people, and people with down syndromes are as worthless as used tissue paper. In the name of womens' rights, he endorsed the killings of children who can not protect themselves.

However, for Jesus, each life is precious and to be treated with tender care. He said in Luke 18:16, "let the children come to me; and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the Kingdom of God." Jesus always treats children, women, sick people, and the outcast with love and utmost care. Jesus went out of his way of showing love to the underprivileged. He healed sick people and felt compassionate toward them, when others turned a blind eye.

The statistics of abortion in the US. is staggering. I don't understand why the people of this country let the genocide of this multitude happen and continue. Are we so busy in our daily life that we don't have time to speak and stand for our precious babies? Or do our hearts become cold and indifferent to other people's circumstances? How long will we let this continue?

I advise all women who plan to have an abortion to watch a video of actual surgical abortions and see for themselves how cruel and inhuman the procedure really is. The baby in the womb feels pain, anger, hurt, and fear as much as an adult does when his or her body is being shredded or cut in pieces. It's a terror beyond words. Pregnant women should be informed that it's a child's life that they are taking away, not a blob of tissue or a tumor. An alternative to abortion is adoption, either by a close family or by loving parents who want to take care of children.

I said that and will say it again. Every single human being's life should be respected and we, as a society, must cultivate the value of human life.

Join the Pro-Life Action League's grassroots resistance to Obama's pro-abortion agenda and help restore a Culture of Life in America. Go to:

American Life League's website to learn more about the issue.

Sign a petition to stop Planned Parenthood, the largest abortion chain in America, from receiving taxpayer dollars to fund abortions.

Priests For Life has an extensive list of what you can do. I find their list very useful.

Watch a Youtube video about why abortion is bad:

49,515,832 deaths since Roe v. Wade
Estimated killed by surgical abortion since 1973

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