Saturday, December 6, 2008

My Father's Gift

It was not even my birthday. We were in a department store right in the middle of Bangkok. My dad told me to pick out a new expensive brand name handbag---the one that I especially liked, the one that was in trend and the kind that all the girls in the university carried around. I was very touched by my dad's kindness. I will never forget my dad's love toward me.

When I was growing up, my dad supported me to learn foreign languages (English and French). He would pay for my extra lessons and tutoring schools. I remember one time I needed to take a special exam and we didn't have much money. I told my dad about my need (for that money) in the evening. In the early morning, when I got up, I saw the money my dad had left for me on the stairs. Later in my life, my dad paid for my entire graduate school tuition fees and expenses. I didn't have to pay a cent or take out a loan like my friends did.

My dad instilled in me the love to learn new things and to work hard. This is his philosophy. He often taught me to give my best shot at work---to go beyond my employers' expectations. He said if there is a situation and they had to let some employees go, I should be the last person whom they thought about laying off because of all my hard work and contributions that I did for the organization. I don't know if I ever worked that hard but my dad lived what he preached every day in his life.

I am blessed to have a wonderful earthly father and a Heavenly Father who love me and give wonderful gifts to me. Just like my earthly father, God listens attentively to my prayers and needs. He sacrifices everything He has for me. The best gift that he gave is His salvation in a form of a baby wrapped in clothes lying in the manger. This gift, I reached out my hands and claimed it for myself. Jesus Christ is God's best gift to the whole world. How kind and thoughtful God is.

Happy Father's Day (Thailand)!!!

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